Fact Checking Policy

At Foxbeet.com, we strive to provide the most accurate and truthful news reporting to our readers. Maintaining high standards around fact checking and reliability is a key commitment.

This policy outlines the procedures and safeguards we have in place to maximize information integrity and minimize misinformation.

Source Verification Process

Staff reporters carefully vet and reference multiple credible sources before publishing any news article. We pull facts from reputable outlets, subject-matter expert interviews, scientific journals, official databases and primary source documents where possible.

Writers conduct thorough background research on any individual, organization or company referenced to corroborate claims. Articles cite resources so readers can also evaluate credibility.

Information Correction Protocol

If despite good faith efforts a factual error or inaccurate detail does pass screening processes, our team promptly issues corrections upon discovery. We highlight updates transparently using strikethroughs, updates at the bottom of articles, or directly contacting affected sources.

Notifying editors immediately of needed article fixes maintains accountability. We prioritize rectifying over defending mistakes – blind spots happen in reporting. Readers can also email error submissions to [email protected], [email protected] which writers verify.

Safeguarding Against Bias

We prohibit reporters from covering topics where significant personal, professional or political bias conflicts the duty to inform audiences objectively. All staff agree upholding reader trust supersedes any secondary agendas or affilitations.

Editorial leadership vets writing to screen for intentional or unintentional slanting prior to publish. We target constructive news aiming to illuminate readers rather than just generate clicks or controversy. Avoiding bias protects editorial integrity.

Reader Feedback & News Tips

Reader feedback and news tips help strengthen accuracy protections. If believing we missed key evidence or different perspectives related to any covered topic, use email/forms on site contact us page to advise. Alerts of factual gaps or misrepresentations also welcomed as we continually update understanding daily.

The FoxBeet team appreciates audiences partnering with us by speaking up around clarity concerns early on before issues spiral. Feel empowered participating in collaborative, evidence-based dialogue with us so the facts indeed reflect truth.

We thank you for choosing FoxBeet as your source for news and aim to continue earning your viewership by getting it right! Please don’t hesitate submitting feedback so we can analyze and improve.